Main Break in Vicinity of 120 Chestnut St. Ridgewood
4/1/23 10:00 AM – A main break is currently under investigation on Chestnut street. With assistance from Ridgewood PD, Chestnut St. is closed between Robinson Lane and Franklin Avenue until the work can be completed. Please follow all detours and build extra time into your schedule if you are traveling in this area. We appreciate your patience as we work to resolve the issue.
12:00 PM – The Distribution Team has isolated the leak but is investigating a potential secondary leak that may require a section of pipe to be replaced.
2:00 PM – The entirety of the leak has been discovered. Due to its location, an 8 foot long section of the main will need to be replaced to repair the leak. The repair should be completed today, but will require the road closure to continue until 8pm tonight.
5:30 PM – Upon further digging, it was discovered the crack extended further in the opposite direction. The crews will be working hard into the night to finish up the repair. The expected completion time is 11:30pm.
4/2/23 10:30 AM – The distribution crews completed the repair and returned service to the affected business at 11:30 pm last night. This morning the crews will be working on paving and cleanup. Work is expected to be completed by Mid-Day today.

What should I do? – At the moment nothing. All residential service is running as normal. If you have loss of service or low pressure, please contact our customer service at 201 670-5520. After the repair has been completed, If you find discolored water coming from your tap. Homeowners should flush their cold water faucets until the discolored water diminishes, which typically occurs within 2-3 minutes. It is also advisable to bypass any filtration systems or water softeners while flushing as the sediment may overload the filter media. Refrain from washing clothes or running dishwashers until you have successfully checked and flushed your household plumbing.