Notice of Ridgewood Water Construction Activites
Road Work Ahead
A raw water main is being installed along Doremus Avenue across the Glen Rock- Ridgewood border, down Ackerman Bellair and Lincoln Avenues, and ending at West End Avenue. Traffic detours are in effect for the duration of the work. The raw water main will allow water from the Glen Rock well to flow to the West End PFAS Treatment Facility, which is currently under contract to be constructed. For details, view the Service Advisory Map.
Capital Improvements
Water Main Replacement Work - Ridgewood
Ridgewood PSEG Utility Right of Way and Dunham Trail
Ridgewood Water (RW) has contracted Shauger Property Services Inc. to complete a water main replacement along the commonly known PSE&G Utility Right of Way (PSEG ROW) in Ridgewood from and including Dunham Trail (at Spring Avenue), along the edge of Brookside Field, to just north of East Ridgewood Avenue. The existing 12” diameter transmission main is critical aging infrastructure to the water utility and will be upsized to a 20” diameter water main. The work also includes installation of a 10” diameter raw water main as part of RW’s PFAS treatment centralization project.
The planned construction will begin on February 5th with an anticipated completion of the overall work by by April 15th with final restorations by mid-summer or sooner. See below the Notice that was distributed to residents in the immediate area, which includes a map of the approximate limits of the planned work.
As part of the planned construction, the PSEG ROW and an area to the side of Brookside Field will be used as a staging area for storage of materials and equipment. No impact will be made to the playing field and all materials are planned to be removed from the Brookside Field property by the start of athletic activities on or about March 10th.
Construction work is planned to begin on Dunham Trail (just south of Spring Avenue) on February 5th which will require this area of the Trail to be closed for about 1 week. Excavation will progress across Spring Avenue immediately after the work on Dunham Trail is complete. This will cause traffic delays and potential detours along Spring Avenue.
Pre-construction condition photos will be taken and features will be restored to its pre-existing condition or better, to the extent possible and allowed by code. Dunham Trail is fairly open and no trees are planned to be removed here. In the areas of the PSEG ROW, where there are obstacles of working around PSEG infrastructure, there may need to be tree removal to accommodate the new water main installation. If so, RW plans to work with the Village to determine locations where additional trees can be planted to account for any that were removed for this project.
We thank you for your patience and understanding during the construction of this critical capital improvement project. As always, please contact Ridgewood Water Customer Service at (201) 670-5520, or email with any questions or concerns.
Water Main Replacement Work - Wyckoff
Carlton Rd and Hartung Drive
Ridgewood Water (RW) has contracted Shauger Property Services, Inc. to complete a water main replacement along Carlton Road between Weymouth Drive and Covington Place and along Hartung Drive terminating at the RW wellfield. The existing 12” diameter water main is critical aging infrastructure in need of replacement.
Mobilization and construction activities are planned to begin on February 5th along Hartung Drive and anticipated completion of the overall work is planned by April 15th on Carlton Road and Weymouth Drive. Final restorations will be by mid-summer or sooner. See below the Notice that was distributed to residents in the immediate area, which includes a map of the approximate limits of the planned work. Traffic delays and potential detours are to be expected.
As part of the planned construction, the RW wellfield will be used as a staging area for storage of materials and equipment. Pre-construction condition photos will be taken and features will be restored to its pre-existing condition or better, as able and allowed by code.
We thank you for your patience and understanding during the construction of this critical capital improvement project. As always, please contact Ridgewood Water Customer Service at 201-670-5520, or email, with any questions or concerns.
Satellite Well Connection to PFAS Treatment Facilities: RW's contractor is currently installing raw water mains to connect Irving Well in Ridgewood to the Prospect PFAS Treatment Facility, currently under construction and located in Glen Rock. The installation will bring the raw water from this satellite well so that it can be treated prior to entering the distribution system. Connecting satellite wells are an important part of the PFAS Treatment Master Plan. The Prospect Treatment Facility is scheduled to be online by August 2025.
East Ridgewood and West End PFAS Treatment Facilities: Final bid packages for these two PFAS Treatment Facilities are scheduled for delivery and Bid Opening on Friday, May 24th. Once the bids are reviewed with the lowest responsible bidder determined, the next step is to gain NJDEP/IBank* approval to award the contract. Then, the chosen bid package will be presented at Village Council to vote to award the contract to the successful candidate.
*NJ I-Bank is short for Infrastructure Bank. This is the organization that is charged with managing NJ's State Revolving Fund (SRF). The SRF is the pathway that federal appropriations (i.e. our tax dollars) are disseminated to each state. This is the mechanism our federal government uses to invest in our country's infrastructure.